Colorization Insight Introduction

Introduction What and Why

Posted by Rasin on May 15, 2020

Header Image: Reddit: Jerry Stiller with his wife, Anne Meara, 1960s


What is Colorization

Colorization is a term introduced by Wilson Markle in 1970 to describe computer-assisted process he invented for adding color to black and white movies or TV programs.

The term is now used generically to describe any technique for turning grayscale(mostly) images or videos to colorized version, without losing its original content.

Why Colorization

Most images and videos in old age is in grayscale or monocolor. The aim of colorization is to get vivid and realistic visual effect, bring people back to their old age, and arise their memory. In video, such as movies and documentaries, colorized version can improve the watching experience. We take some small experiences and find out that human eyes are more appeal to colorized version of images and videos. Thus, colorized version is always better than grayscale version in visual experience. Moreover, colorized version contains more information.

An colorized example

In Biology and Medical area, colorization can aid professional pathologists judge and classify medical images. Colored medical image can separate the difference between tissues and organs.

T2 MR Brain Images. From: Colorization and Automated Segmentation of Human T2 MR Brain Images for Characterization of Soft Tissues
