GAMES101-Overview of Computer Graphics

Notes and Ideas

Posted by Rasin on June 14, 2020

Overview of Computer Graphics

Why Study

Fundamental Intellectual Challenges

  • Creates and interacts with realistic virtual world
  • Requires understanding of all aspects of physical world
  • New computing methods, displays, technologies

Technical Challenges

  • Math of projections, curves, surfaces
  • Physics of lighting and shading
  • Representing / operating shapes in 3D
  • Animation / Simulation
  • 3D graphics software programming and hardware


Rasterization 光栅化

  • Project geometry primitives (3D triangles / polygons) onto the screen
  • Break Projected primitives into fragments (pixels)
  • Gold standard in Video Games (Real-time Applications)
    • Real-time: 30 fps and above

Curves and Meshes

  • How to represent geometry in Computer Graphics

Ray Tracing

  • Shoot rays from the camera though each pixel
    • Calculate intersection and shading
    • Continue to bounce the rays still they hit light sources
  • Gold standard in Animations / Movies (Offline Applications)

Animation / Simulation

  • Key frame Animation
  • Mass-spring System

Difference Between Computer Vision

  • No clear boundaries