David Silver - Reinforcement Learning Note 1

Introduction What and Why

Posted by Rasin on August 29, 2020

Lecture: Introduction to Reinforcement Learning

About Reinforcement Learning

Characteristics of Reinforcement Learning

  • There is no supervisor, only a reward signal
  • Feedback is delayed, not instantaneous
  • Time really matters (sequential)
  • Agent’s actions affect the subsequent data it receives

The Reinforcement Learning Problem


  • A reward \(R_t\) is a scalar feedback signal
  • Indicates how well agent is doing at step \(t\)
  • The agent’s job is to maximize cumulative reward
  • Reinforcement learning is based on the reward hypothesis

Reward Hypothesis Definition: The goals can be described by the maximization of expected cumulative reward.

If a problem cannot satisfy with the reward hypothesis, it cannot solved by reinforcement learning.

Sequential Decision Making

  • Goal: Select actions to maximize total future reward
  • Actions may have long term consequences
  • Reward may be delayed
  • It may be better to sacrifice immediate reward to gain more long-term reward

Agent and Environment

  • At each step \(t\) the agent:
    • Executes action \(a_t\)
    • Receives observation \(o_t\)
    • Receives scalar reward \(r_t\)
  • The environment:
    • Receives action \(a_t\)
    • Emits observation \(o_{t+1}\)
    • Emits scalar reward \(r_{t+1}\)
  • \(t\) increments at env. step

History and State

The history is the sequence of observations, actions, and rewards:

\[H_t = a_1, o_1, r_1, \dots, a_t, o_t, r_t\]

What happens next depends on the history:

  • The agent selects actions
  • The environment selects observations/rewards

State is the information used to determine what happens next. Formally, state is a function of the history:

\[s_t = f(H_t)\]

Environment State

The environment state \(s_t^e\) is the environment’s private representation. The environment state is not usually visible to the agent. Even if it is visible, it may contain irrelevant information.

Agent State

The agent state \(s_t^a\) is the agent’s internal representation. It can be any function of history.

Information State (Markov State)

An information state (Markov state) contains all useful information from the history.

A state \(s_t\) is Markov if and only if

\[\mathbb{P}[s_{t+1}|s_t] = \mathbb{P}[s_{t+1}|s_1, \dots, s_t]\]

The future is independent of the past given the present. Once the state is known, the history may be thrown away. The state is a sufficient statistic of the future.

Fully Observable Environments

Full observability: agent directly observes environment state

\[o_t = s_t^a = s_t^e\]

Formally, this is a Markov decision process.

Partially Observable Environments

Partial observability: agent indirectly observes environment. Now \(s_t^a \neq \s_t^e\). Formally this is a partially observable markov decision process (POMDP).

Agent must construct its own state representation:

  • Complete history: \(s_t^a = H_t\)
  • Beliefs of environment state: \(s_t^a = (\mathbb{P}[s_t^e=s^1], \dots, \mathbb{P}[s_t^e=s^n])\)
  • Recurrent Neural Network: \(s_t^a=\sigma(s_{t-1}^a W_s + o_tW_o)\)

Inside an RL Agent

Major Components of an RL Agent

  • Policy: agent’s behavior function
    • Its a map from state to action
    • Deterministic policy: \(a=\pi (s)\)
    • Stochastic policy: \(\pi(a \mid s) = \mathbb{P}[a_t=a \mid s_t =s])
  • Value function: how good is each state and/or action
    • It is used to evaluate the goodness/badness of states
  • Model: agent’s representation of the environment
    • A model predicts what the environment will do next
    • Transition model \(\mathcal{P}\) predicts the next state
    • Reward model \(\mathcal{R}\) predicts the next reward

Value function:

\[v_\pi(s) = \mathbb{E}_\pi [R_{t+1} + \gamma R_{t+2} + \gamma^2R_{t+3} + \dots \mid s_t=s]\]

Transition model:

\[\mathcal{P}_{ss'}^a=\mathbb{P}[s_{t+1}=s' \mid s_t=s, a_t=a]\]

Reward model:

\[\mathcal{R}_s^a = \mathbb{E}[r_{t+1} \mid s_t=s, a_t=a]\]

Categorizing RL Agents

  • Value Based
    • No Policy (implicit)
    • Value Function
  • Policy Based
    • Policy
    • No Value Function
  • Actor Critic
    • Policy
    • Value Function
  • Model Free
    • Policy and/or Value Function
    • No model
  • Model Based
    • Policy and/or Value Function
    • Model

Problems Within RL

Two fundamental problems in sequential decision making.

RL and Planning

  • Reinforcement Learning
    • The environment is initially unknown
    • The agent interacts with the environment
    • The agent improves its policy
  • Planning
    • A model of the environment is known
    • The agent performs computations with its model
    • The agent improves its policy
      • a.k.a deliberation, reasoning, introspection, pondering, thought, search

Exploration and Exploitation

Reinforcement learning is like trial-and-error learning. The agent should discover a good policy. From its experiences of the environment, without losing too much reward along the way.

  • Exploration finds more information about the environment
  • Exploitation exploits known information to maximize reward

It is usually important to explore as well as exploit

Prediction and Control

  • Prediction: evaluate the future
    • Given a policy
  • Control: optimise the future
    • Find the best policy