Rasin in Tsukuba

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.

GAMES101-Transformation Continue

Notes and Ideas

Transformation The inverse of the matrix is equal to its transposed matrix, which we call the orthogonal matrix. 3D Transformations Use homogeneous coordinates again: 3D point = \((x, y, z, 1)^\...


Notes and Ideas

Transformation 2D transformations Representing transformations using matrices Rotation, scale, shear Scale Transform \(x’ = sx, y’ = sy\) \[\begin{bmatrix} x'\\ y' \end{bmatrix} =\begin{...

GAMES101-Review of Linear Algebra

Notes and Ideas

Review of Linear Algebra Graphics’ Dependencies Basic mathematics Linear algebra calculus statistics Basic Physics Optics Mechanics Misc Signal processing Numerical analys...

GAMES101-Overview of Computer Graphics

Notes and Ideas

Overview of Computer Graphics Why Study Fundamental Intellectual Challenges Creates and interacts with realistic virtual world Requires understanding of all aspects of physical world New ...

Color Theory and Applications Notes 1

Chapter 1 The Nature of Color

This is a series of study notes of the book Color Vision and Colorimetry Theory and Applications by Daniel Malacara. The Nature of Color Introduction Electromagnetic waves can have many differen...

Mind Map of Colorization Survey

Thoughts and Ideas

Header Image: Reddit: Marilyn Monroe photo opportunity

Survey Example -- Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning

Header Image: Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning: A Survey: Shervin Minaee Key Sections Abstract The first sentence indicates the applications using image segmentation and shows the im...

How to write a good Survey Review

Header Image: Unsplash: Patrick Tomass Why Writing Survey paper A Researcher begins his research journey by first writing a survey paper in the domain of his research. 1 Writing a survey pa...

Summary of Automatic Colorization

Color space, Network Architecture, Loss function and Evaluation

Header Image: Reddit: Schoolgirls text messaging in the 40s Colorization Problem Color prediction is inherently multimodal – many objects can take on several plausible colorizations. For exa...

Colorization Insight Automatic 4

Most Recent Update

Header Image: Reddit: Actress Natalie Wood (1938-1981) Evolution Automatic Colorization MLEU: Multi-Level Embedding U-Net for Fully Automatic Image Colorization Overview There are two main...