Rasin in Tsukuba

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.

Colorization Insight Automatic 3

More in Deep Learning

Header Image: Reddit: Aisin Gioro Puyi, the last emperor of China, as puppet emperor of Manchukuo, wearing the Manzhouguo uniform, circa 1940. Evolution Automatic Colorization Deep Patch-wis...

NTIRE 2019 Challenge on Image Colorization Report -- Brief

SOTA in 2019

Header Image: Reddit: Actress Yvonne Craig (she was Batgirl from the original Batman series) Abstract The challenge1 had 2 tracks. Track 1 takes a single gray image as input. In track 2, in a...

Colorization Insight Automatic 2

Automatic Colorization Evolution

Header Image: Reddit: Actress Deborah Kerr – promo shot for “From Here To Eternity” (1953) Evolution Automatic Colorization Learning Representations for Automatic Colorization Larsson 1 has...

Colorization Insight Automatic 1

Automatic Colorization Evolution

Header Image: Reddit: Actress Marlene Dietrich Evolution Automatic Colorization Deep Colorization Cheng 1 has proposed the first neural network for colorization. The proposed method has tw...

Colorization Insight Scribbled 2

More about Scribble-based methods

Header Image: Reddit: Young Ava Gardner Evolution Scribble-Based Colorization Manga Colorization Texture classification has also been used for cartoon colorization by Qu1. The whole proc...

Colorization Insight Scribbled 1

Related Works and Techniques

Header Image: Reddit: Snake Charmer _ Morocco_ 1950 Evolution Pure Hand Colorization Hand colorization is laborious and time consuming. The first film colorization methods were hand done by ...

Colorization Insight Introduction

Introduction What and Why

Header Image: Reddit: Jerry Stiller with his wife, Anne Meara, 1960s Introduction What is Colorization Colorization is a term introduced by Wilson Markle in 1970 to describe computer-assiste...